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Health.Links is a consultancy company specialized in health care that works with its strategic partner, Press Ganey, to support health care organizations with a unique portfolio of solutions and services. This partnership includes operational support in data collection and survey management with a localized perspective. We are committed to improving patient experience in the Gulf region through being the voice of both patients and caregivers.

We partner with health care policymakers, hospital leaders and involved stakeholders to make lasting improvements for optimal performance. We utilize scientific knowledge to help our partners realize their most important goals. Through our partnership with Press Ganey in the Gulf region, Health.Links has the initial strategic objective of establishing a successful system of quality improvement in the region. Imagine if you could locate the invisible dysfunctions and gaps in your care services. Imagine if each and every phase of the patient’s journey within your hospital is designed with data-backed knowledge.

The methodology behind our solutions is very distinct and seeks to address preventable forms of suffering from the patient experience. Timely feedback creates situational awareness. Endless streams of data have always been there, but now health care leaders have the chance to leverage this knowledge and move with the patient to the right place. We will do what it takes to ensure that your health care institution and leadership team capitalize on the different strengths and energies to establish a culture rooted in creative solutions. Our approach to management is an active presence of improving the patient experience and maximizing the potential by connecting all our resources to serve your needs.