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Mandy Rumley-Buss

Mandy Rumley-Buss

Mandy Rumley-Buss

Deputy Director Improvement Networks

NHS Elect, UK

Mandy Rumley-Buss, MA,post grad diploma Neurobehavioral Biology RN, NMP,

Mandy works with the senior team at NHS Elect to provide clinical and quality improvement (QI) expertise to teams across the NHS and beyond. This has included working with teams to improve care for older people through Acute Frailty, Systemwide and Specialist Frailty, Same Day Emergency Care and in creation of effective Virtual ward Networks. Mandy trained at St Thomas’ Hospital London, and has over 35 years’ experience in healthcare. This career has spanned roles across nursing and management in primary, community and secondary care. A consultant nurse and non-Medical prescriber, she has led practice in prescribing and in the development of an academy of prescribing within Dorset. Mandy has also been involved in the development of Nurse Practitioners in Emergency and Acute Medical Care, Community Hospitals, and the development of the first Emergency Care Practitioner degree courses at Bournemouth University. She is on the Faculty of the HECTOR course in Northumbria. 

Mandy was a contributing author to the Silver Book, Royal College of Nursing BEST staffing tool and co-produced Ambulatory Emergency Care competencies at Kings College Hospital, London. More recently she has produced the Royal College of Nursing emergency care competencies for older people that sit within the Royal College Nursing Emergency care competency framework. Mandy has shared her diverse portfolio of work with several national and international conferences.