Dr. Ahmed Abdelkawi
Senior Consultant for Quality and Patient Experience
Ascend Solutions
Ahmed comes with over 15 years of diverse experience in healthcare field . he was a member in Saudi Ministry of Health technical committee for patient experience improvement that kicked off the transformation of the Saudi patient experience program in MOH as a part of Vision 2030. After leading the implementation of quality and patient safety initiatives that are necessary to ensure clinical services are provided in accordance with standards established through CBAHI Standards, JCI standards accreditation including the international Patient Safety Goals. Ahmed lead the Planetree certification in person centered care program in King Faisal Medical Complex KFMC Taif Saudi Ministry of Health and achieved the Gold tier , Ahmed was selected as Subject matter expert and scientific committee member in developing National Patient Experience officer program contents &curriculum under supervision of Health Academy(Saudi commission for health specialties SCFHS) , Ahmed developed excellent skills in quality and patient experience Process Mapping & Improvement as well as Current State Assessments and future recommendations. Through his past experience in quality and patient experience Ahmed was selected to be Senior Quality Ambassador from Saudi Standards Metrology And Quality Organization (SASO).