Post-Conference Workshop

Workshop A

Patient Experience and Value-based Healthcare

Driving value through patient-centeredness, what has been done and the way forward in the private sector

08:30hrs till 10:30hrs Saudi Time

Workshop leader:

Danny Hage
Danny Hage
Senior Advisor – Customer Experience
Council of Health Insurance, Saudi Arabia

Workshop Partner:

Council of Health Insurance

Workshop Objectives:

  • Outline of the NPROM Strategy
  • Relevance and importance to standardize PROM’s and PREM’s
  • Understanding the digital perspective and future expectations related to PRM

Target Audience: frontline workers and managers influencing the extent and pace of implementation of value-based health and care within health Insurers and Private healthcare Providers in the KSA

The NPROM strategy explained
The importance to standardize PROM’s
PREM’s as an outcome
Patient Reported Measure (PRM): “The how” from a digital perspective.
Closing remarks and Q&A

Workshop B

Co-Designing Patient Experience:

Experience of Care – Patient and Staff Together Improvement Approach

10:30hrs till 12:30hrs Saudi Time (including Lunch Break)

Workshop leader:

Annette Agetue-Smith, MSc. Annette Agetue-Smith, MSc.
QSIR Associate Director, Patient Experience & Engagement
NHS Hospitals Group Mid & South Essex – UK

Workshop Partner:

NHS Elect

NHS Elect

As system leaders, transforming our approach in delivering positive experiences as well as quality care outcomes for our people and communities is critical to realising our duty of providing and sustaining a health and care system that is equitable, affordable, sustainable, and accessible. We must therefore go beyond the walls of traditional boundaries to achieve real impact through building partnerships, working with people and communities to put collaboration at the heart of planning and service delivery to bring about real change.Workshop: Experience of Care – Patient and staff together improvement approach

Join Annette Agetue-Smith, MSc. QSIR Associate Director of Patient Experience and Engagement NHS hospitals, Mid and South Essex UK, as she explores the relationship between staff and patient experience. Through delving and solutioning into case studies, participants will engage in conversations considering how to enable an organisational culture for reinforcing the interconnectedness of staff experience and patient experience reflecting on principles of proactive collaboration and engagement methodologies to drive better care outcome for people and communities.

In our conversations we will

  • Consider the relationship between staff experience and patient experience.
  • Introduce the Experience of Care: Patients and Staff Together improvement approach with opportunities for participants to ‘try before they buy’.

Come prepared to participate in exploring strategies that facilitates patient experience as a golden thread which culturally weaves an organisation together; leveraging on staff experiences to drive care quality.

Workshop C

Transforming Frailty Care: Improving outcomes and experience for the elderly

13:30hrs till 14:30hrs Saudi Time

Workshop Abstract: Explore innovative strategies for enhancing frailty care to optimize outcomes and enhance elderly well-being. This workshop delves into transformative approaches that prioritize both medical and emotional needs, fostering a comprehensive and compassionate elderly care model.

Workshop Outline:

  • Person-Centered Care: Shifting focus towards individualized care plans tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each elderly person.
  • Technology Integration: Harnessing digital solutions to improve monitoring, communication, and accessibility in frailty care.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Emphasizing the importance of teamwork among healthcare professionals to address the multifaceted aspects of frailty.
  • Preventive Strategies: Exploring proactive measures to prevent and delay frailty, emphasizing lifestyle interventions and early detection.
  • Quality of Life Enhancement: Discussing holistic approaches that prioritize not only medical care but also social, emotional, and spiritual well-being to improve overall quality of life for the elderly.


Workshop leader:

Dr. Héctor Upegui
Dr. Héctor Upegui
Worldwide Market Development Executive & Chief Health Officer

Workshop Partner:

NHS Elect


Workshop D

Staff Stress Management and Staff Empowerment to Enhance Patient Experience

Exploring Emotional Intelligence and its role in the delivery of effective Patient and Staff Experiences.

14:30hrs till 16:00hrs Saudi Time

Workshop leader:

Hassan Mohammad
Hassan Mohammad
Head of Innovation and Co-Founder
CXSA Middle East

Workshop leader:

Sandra Thompson
Sandra Thompson
Thought Leader & Head of
Employee Experience Practice

Workshop leader:

Charles Bennett
Charles Bennett
President & CEO
CXSA Middle East

Workshop Partner:


Session Outline:

There has never been a more important time for Emotional Intelligence to be understood and practiced in our health systems. Yet, our focus continues to be placed on the technical ability of our staff rather than a quest to achieve an emotional connection between colleagues and with patients. The skill of Emotional

Intelligence has been proven to yield greater outcomes for both patients and staff such as productivity, profitability and wellbeing.

Workshop sessions

  • Human-centred experiences. An introduction to your brain and why you should befriend your ‘Chimp’ so that you can deliver consistently excellent experiences.
  • The art of curiosity. Understanding why it’s important to develop an enhanced lexicon for the experience of patient and staff experiences.
  • Fill the void. How to communicate effectively with your patients using emotional intelligence and arrive at better outcomes as a result.
  • Building your Emotional Intelligence. Experimenting with two of the eight valuable tools we’ll share with you to help you build safe spaces, resilience, greater connections and reduce burnout.



Post Congress Masterclass: Developing Staff Retreats from A to Z

5th October 2022 | 09:00 – 12:30 hrs. Saudi Arabian Time.

Conventional training has been a part of healthcare for a very long time. In this setting, there is an instructor where the content is provided to participants by a monologue or by interaction with the participants. Still, having interactions might not have the desired impact on participants given the fact that participants are either in a passive or a semi passive mode contributing to the training. Imagine a training program where participants have the main role, actively participating to intentionally developed exercises where they find the opportunity to put themselves into the shoes of patients, their families, peers in the same department and colleagues at other departments.

Learning Outcomes

  • During this master class participants will:
  • Learn the planning phase of a staff retreat with sequences tied together
  • Understand the nature of debriefing after each exercise making the tie to Person Centered Care
  • Be exposed to an exercise where they will be able to put themselves into patients and families
  • Be knowledgeable about how to plan, conduct, measure staff retreats.

Masterclass Leaders

Ilkay Baylam
Associate Director, Engagement Strategies
Planetree International



Post Congress Masterclass: How to Improve & Standardize Patient-Centred Care
5th October 2022 | 09:00 – 12:30 hrs. Saudi Arabian Time.


How Patient-Reported Outcome Measures & Patient-Reported Experience Measures contribute to enhance patient-centered care?

Quality of care is defined as “the degree to which healthcare services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge”.

Care systems can make improvements to each of the six identified dimensions of quality of care:

  • Effectiveness: providing care that is based on scientific knowledge and that is relevant to the health needs of individuals;
  • Safety: providing care while avoiding any harm to the health of patients as far as possible;
  • Timeliness/accessibility: providing the required care at the right time, within a reasonable period of time, delivered by services located at reasonable geographic distances;
  • Patient-centeredness/responsiveness: providing care that is respectful, taking into account individual patient preferences and values;
  • Efficiency: providing care making the best use of available resources;
  • Equity: providing quality care for all, without any difference based on personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location and economic status.

Measuring quality of care is a prerequisite for defining actions to be implemented and demonstrating
progress of improving the service delivered to patients. Three types of measures are used to assess quality of care as perceived by patients, using different tools: Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for care outcomes, Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) for the care experience and patient satisfaction. Useful on an individual and collective level, patient-reported quality of care measures are increasingly employed in routine clinical practice, but they are still relatively little known, which justifies this workshop.

Workshop learning objectives:

  • The definition of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient reported experience measures (PREMs)
  • How PROMs and PREMs contribute to Patient-Centered Care
  • How PROMs and PREMs fit into the continuous improvement of Quality of care
  • How to cope with barriers and facilitators related to collecting, reporting, and using PROMs and PREMs
  • How healthcare providers can / and will be engaged in the deployment of CHI’s Patient-Reported Measurement Strategy

Masterclass Leaders

Nora Almuflih
Customer Experience Senior Specialist
Counsil for Health Insurance
(Saudi Arabia)
Danny Hage
Senior Advisor – Customer Experience
Council for Health Insurance (Saudi Arabia)

As part of the Outreach program from the Customer Experience team of the Council of Health Insurance (CHI) Nora Almuflih & Danny Hage like to share and debate the current and future vision to standardize the program on measuring the voice of the patient.



Post Congress Masterclass: Co-Design Patient Journey with Partners (patients/ healthcare providers)
5th October 2022   | 14:00 – 16:30 hrs. Saudi Arabian Time.

Healthcare organizations have experienced and developed a standard for patient experience levels at different levels. Many organizations are struggling with patient engagement methods on how to make them in place. Measuring the patient experience through tools could be eye-opening to study the root cause analysis and understand the priorities and factors that improve patient experience at the facilities and services. The development of co-design approaches in healthcare contexts is rooted in the increasing involvement of designers – and use of design approaches – within healthcare systems and organisations. This master class aimed to patriciate in activities with more consideration at co-production processes through an examination of (a) the beginnings and development of co-design and (b) the recent application of comparable practices in the context of increasing the quality of healthcare services. These could especially highlight possible advantages and hazards from “scaling up” co-design as an intervention to improve the provision of public services, as well as provide suitable and robust modes of both summative and formative evaluation.

Participants will discover that success means you must:

  • Analyze the current situation of the service system.
  • Observe patient journey by shadowing method.
  • Co-design the patient journey: craft the journey toolkit, interview, and synthesize;
  • Evaluate the patient journey for integrated service design.

Masterclass Leader:

Mecciya Majrashi

Saudi Patient Experience Club & Cancer Survivor